
procurement and purchasing

We are working together with European manufacturers of PPE and bio based packaging, who share our core values of sustainable development and practice circular economy production with socially responsible business practices.

The medicprotex tender platform can help simplify your procurement management and accomodate your supply needs

premium products

international shipping

competitive prices

european certified

orders from 1 pallet +

Expanding industry product range

secure payment online

packaging in European languages

short lead times

Dedicted Buyer Admin Area

Our product range is sourced from european suppliers who's share and support our goal towards manufacturing and supplying 100% premium sustainable products.
We are continually expanding our product range to offer you premium products for PPE and Biopackaging and actively incorporating new products from a variety of industries.
A complete product list plus a free professional presentation to share with your clients or colleagues is available for download to all our brokers.

We offer you a dedicated admin area enabling you to monitor your orders and place new ones easily and quickly.

lets work together to support European manufactured goods

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Join us in shaping a sustainable and environmental impacted Europe


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